About MicroCol


Some game description ....

How to start development

  • Checkout project

    Go to directory where MicroCol source code will be stored and execute:

    git clone https://github.com/jajir/microcol.git

    Directory microcol should be there.

  • Import to Eclipse

    From main menu select "File" --> "Import". Select option "Existing maven projects". Importing wizard should appear. In field "Root directory" select previously created microcol directory. Click to "Finish". Now all maven modules should be imported.

Project infrastructure

How to publish this documentation

This documentation is published at microcol.sourceforge.io.

Here is described how to propagate changes in documentation to sourceforge site. procedure required shell account at sourceforge with access to project microcol. Replace [user] with correct user name.

  1. Verify settings.xml

    In your home directory is file ~/.m2/settings.xml. If file doesn't exist crate new one. Edit server section:


    This setting provide user name and password for ssh account at sourceforge server. New site documentation will be uploaded to this server.

  2. Delete previous version of documentation
    ssh -t [user],microcol@shell.sourceforge.net create
    cd /home/project-web/microcol/htdocs/
    rm -rf *
  3. Generate new version of documentation

    following command upload documentation to /home/project-web/microcol/htdocs/microcol-site

    mvn clean site-deploy
  4. Move documentation

    Documentation was generate to directory microcol-site. It have to be moved to root directory.

    ssh -t [user],microcol-2@shell.sourceforge.net
    cd /home/project-web/microcol/htdocs/
    mv microcol-site/* .
  5. Verify results

    Verify that new documentation version is at microcol.sourceforge.io.